Aeries Communication Overview
What does Aeries Communication replace? It replaces ParentLink and Blackboard, but it also replaces other communication tools like SMS, Class Dojo, and Remind 101. Aeries Communication and school email are the only authorized communication tools for teacher-student and teacher-parent digital communication. Aeries Communications uses the Staff and Contacts screens in Aeries to build contact lists. You can communicate with other staff, students, parents, and even a quick link to add the parents of a student to a message.
Unlike previous communication software, Aeries Communication does not aggregate calls and send them at night. Messaging is more instantaneous and we expect to see a shift from voice calls to email and text/SMS messages. Users can control how they want to receive certain categories of messages. They can even follow and unfollow Public Groups which act almost like a social media feed.
Aeries Communication integrates with Aeries, Parent Portal and the new Aeries App for iOS and Android. The Aeries App is for Parents and Students and mimics the features of the Parent Portal.