
Students in the TJUHSD will have equitable technology access that extends beyond the walls of the classroom to allow every student the opportunity to grow as digital citizens: providing greater communication, interaction and collaboration with the curriculum, other students, teachers and the community.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Google Chrome Extensions

We have been blocking chrome extensions at a pretty high rate as students find extensions that interfere with policies and programs we are using. I am currently working on setting up a approved chrome extension list with Google. Once this is complete, we will limit students to the approved list of chrome extensions. We hope to have this change completed by end of day Monday. If you are using a chrome extension with students that the District did not push out, please send me the name so I can add it to the list.

No restrictions will be placed on staff in respect to chrome extensions. If you come across an extension in the future you want to use with students, simply send us the name so we can add it to the approved list.

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