
Students in the TJUHSD will have equitable technology access that extends beyond the walls of the classroom to allow every student the opportunity to grow as digital citizens: providing greater communication, interaction and collaboration with the curriculum, other students, teachers and the community.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Google Photos

As part of a review of our Google settings with a third party, it was recommended to us that Google Photos be disabled from our Google Domain. Google Photos allows for syncing photos taken from a cell phone to a photo library. This automatic syncing comes with huge risks when mixing personal and work related content. Disabling Google Photos does not prevent you from manually copying appropriate photos to Google Drive for use in class.

You may have noticed that you lost access to Google Photos about a week ago. This was premature on our part and I apologize for any inconvenience this caused. Google Photos is on again, so you can copy any photos from it and save them. For work related photos, those should be copied into Google Drive. Personal photos should be migrated to a private Gmail account Google Photo library. Google provides unlimited photo storage with Goole Photos even on a personal account.

Access to Google Photos will be permanently removed on November 3rd at 8:00 AM. It may take Google a few hours for that change to take effect. If you have any questions, please ask me otr your site tech.

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